Friday, March 11, 2011


On the evening class, we are required to present the introduction  by each group. Our group is present about current events’ .

Personal Examples
First time I saw him at the bus station. He was alone by himself. He was very messy with his tattered cloths and only with barefooted. I felt pity of him and I want to help him as I could. I went to him and try to talk to him. Suddenly, he cried by my side because nobody wanted to be around him. I tried to calm him as he explained his situation. I felt very sad when I listen to his problems, he has seven children who are still young and his wife is a disabled woman. Coincidently, he was lucky that my father needs a gardener to help him to look after our gardens. Pak Abu is now our gardener at home. As a matter of fact, Pak Abu’s experiences of poverty life make him really suffered and it effected his life completely. Thus, the effects of poor and poverty can be seen physically, psychologically and socially in a person’s daily life.

“I am tired of being poor, this is humiliating.” A young girl emotionally said to myself. A young girl said to herself. She never asked for this poverty fate. She was born in a poor family. She couldnot own anything that other teens have. I am that young girl. This poverty stopped many people from achieve their dreams. Apart from that, many from their kind doesnot know that they can seek help to improve their life. This poverty can be improve by government giving help through their children’s education,  economy welfare and motivation as a self-improvement.
Facts & Statistics
According to Utusan Malaysia, 45 thousands of foreign workers migrated to Malaysia legally to fill up the opportunity of jobs here. Most of the foreign workers are coming from Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand. This situation has caused a problem to local workers as 45 thousand people in Malaysia have been unemployed. Thus, an unemployment of local workers more or less gives a lot of negative effect especially to Malaysia such as the crime rate will increase, money exchange frequently done by foreign workers and the income level of local workers will decrease.

Rhetorical questions
Did you know that each year college students spent a lot of money on alcohol? This is more than they spend on soft drink, milk, juice, tea, coffee and books combined. Why do college students spend so much money to get drunk at the end of a hard week of studying? It is because there is nothing else to do or is it because drinking relieves problem that the person is trying to avoid. One of the major problems of alcohol is related to the cognitive  dissonance. Drinking alcohol  has an effect on students’ cognitive dissonance such as a connection between how much students drink,  their dissonance level and what causes the student loss their dissonance.

Current events

In 2007, the Star newspaper reported that an IPTS student in Segamat has dumped a baby in a plastic bag into a big drain. The baby which his umbilical cord is still intact was found by a good Samaritan. Two years later, Malaysia was shocked again by the same news: A fisherman had accidently fished a black plastic bag which he taught it was an ordinary plastic bag that had been littered by the irresponsible persons. He then opened the plastic bag out of curiosity and then was horrified for what he saw. A decayed baby!. These news proved that the statistics of social problems are increasing up until now. Thus, to ace these social problems, one should have a strong moral value, parents should play their roles effectively and  one should use media wisely.

Since the back of thousands years ago, alcohol has been famous and promoted in human lives. In chemistry, alcohol has been used for many things such as to produce ethanol and methanol which are commonly use in medication. Ethanol is used to treat methanol poisoning by reducing the rate of which methanol is metabolised. Research in the last few years found that there are a lot of advantages of alcohol such as the source of energy in the diet and can release our stress. However, nowadays alcohol leads to many harmful drawbacks. Thus, the disadvantages of alcohol can  cause  liver’s damage,  poor judgement , and effect of our brain.

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( AIDS) is defined as a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) known as a deadly virus that was originated in the early 80’s of the twentieth century. What do you think once you see the patient of AIDS? Do you feel scared or  disgusted?.  Unfortunately, many of us do not know what   AIDS patients  had gone through in  their lives with this disease. Some of them get the disease in advertent but some of them get it because of themselves. This disease has become a serious crisis for the whole world today. Due to the above statements,  AIDS  can  give many bad effects to a person’s  life such as it leads to fatal, it  wastes  money  to get treatments and being ignored by  the society .

Blue : hook
Pink : transition
Green : thesis


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